From the vast green Beqaa’s Valley, Thymari cultivates the most fertile soil in Lebanon, with the essential ingredient we find in a traditional Lebanese breakfast “Za’atar”. The Arabic word for wild Thyme, Za’atar is the key ingredient in many Lebanese recipes from Manakeesh (pizza) to pastries, as well as an essential herb in flavoring a variety of dishes.
Thymari promotes healthy, tasty, and ready-to-eat Za’atar, using renewable solar and windmills energy to power its wells and plantation, along with hundreds of workers contributing to a state-of-the-art eco-friendly and organic agriculture.
Our high-quality dry Za’atar mixes, either based on traditional local recipes or freshly imagined fusions, all celebrating the authentic Lebanese flavors are all-natural, free from artificial colors or flavors, and without any additives or preservatives. We produce a range of high-quality and authentic Za’atar that add unique flavors to your dinner table. By blending our rich Lebanese heritage with our commitment to innovation, we craft products for unique traditional lifestyles.
Thymari carries a unique concept and has a very attractive brand that can easily become global. It will be an icon for healthy, fast, authentic, wholesome food that is served casually. Our Open-Concept Mill allows us to act on our values of Transparency, Integrity, Healthiness and Wholesomeness. Our customers can always look into our “Transparent” workshop and see how we make the world’s best in class Za’atar using only natural ingredients and original recipes.