Sold By Edward Ouzounian Sons S.A.R.L Categories:Anklets, Bracelets, Bracelets, Brooches, Crafted & Fun Jewelry, Cufflinks & Tieclips, Earrings, Earrings, Jewelry, Jewelry Boxes & Packaging, Jewelry Care Tools, Jewelry Equipment, Necklaces, Necklaces, Pendants, Pendants, Pins, Precious Jewelry, Precious Stones, Rings, Rings, Sets, Sets, Watches, Watches, Wholesale & BulkTags:diamonds, edward ouzounian and sons, Fine Jewelry, jewelery, Jewellery, jewelry, ouzounian, Ouzounnian, pending, Precious Jewels, wholesale pending
Edward Ouzounian Sons S.A.R.L
Manufacturer is yet to become a full member of Loubnany.